Welcome to your SLOWHORT yin yoga practices

Designed to align the 7 chakras - the energy centres of the body - these sessions will help you to notice how it feels to slow down and explore connection in body and mind.

Julie McLellan

Since my first yoga class in 2009, practising yoga has been an integral part of my life.  It has allowed me to explore my creativity as well as navigating the emotional ups and downs of life as an actor!
In my classes, I hope to encourage you to explore your creativity through movement and find connection and peace with your body and mind. 

Yin yoga is a beautifully still and self reflective style of yoga.

We stay for long, deep holds in our poses to move beneath muscle and target the connective tissues of the body.  Often we use props to deepen or soften our shapes- so that we can melt completely, tuning into our inner world and reclaiming connection between mind, body, and soul.

Our first yin practice is all about the root chakra, Muladhara.

The root chakra is located at the base of our spine and provides a strong foundation for the other 6 chakras giving us stability, confidence, energy, and strength.

It symbolises our connection to the earth and helps us feel grounded and stable.

An optional playlist to accompany session one.

Our second yin practice is focused on the sacral chakra: Svadhishthana

Located below the naval, it is linked to letting go, accepting change, and transformation in life

It is also connected to intimacy and personal freedom and enjoyment

An optional playlist to accompany session two

Session number 3 is all about the solar plexus chakra, or Manipura Chakra.

A source of internal fire and energy, manipura chakra governs confidence, inner power, passion and anger.

An optional playlist to accompany session three

Anahata Chakra, aka the heart chakra is the bridge between our upper and lower chakras, or the material and physical worlds.

Allowing us to be truly vulnerable and receive love, it enables us to build deep connections and strong relationships

An optional playlist to accompany session four

Vishuddha Chakra, or our throat chakra enables you to express yourself freely, think creatively, and communicate without fear.

Our fifth chakra acts as a gateway to expression, communication, and authenticity.

An optional playlist to accompany session five

and finally…. this last practice brings us to a close.

The Ajna or Third Eye, and Sahasrara or Crown chakra take us out of our physical or present body.

The Third Eye looks to the future, moving beyond worldly desire and distractions, engaging intuition, heightening our perception, and illuminating our destined path in life.

The Crown Chakra is the highest point in the body and acts as a bridge between our physical selves and the spiritual world. It reveals the mystery that lies within us all.

A choice of playlists for session six
